Club Info
Need directions click here for location map
Club Info flyer located here
Costs updated for 1/7/24
Diving Membership.
You must also join the Ski club we will provide the appropriate form.
$ 120.00
Associate/Non diving Membership.
You must also join the Ski club we will provide the appropriate form.
$ 20.00
Dive Club Financial year is 1st April to 31 March
DSAC Safety Manual All new members must read this document
Club Dive fees
The club is set up for Nitrox 32% which is ideal for the diving in and around Darwin
Minimum of FOUR divers diving in two shifts, with one diver able to operate the boat on each shift. or an additional non diver able to operate the boat( it legal requirement to have at least one person on the boat at all times, quite large fines exist) Harbour Dive sites
Lee point Dive sites
Fenton Patches & Brisbane Dive sites
Club Tank Hire fee
Nitrox fills $20.00 Dive Discounts towing the boat
ANY ONE interested in any DIVE TRAINING, please contact Todd
Learn to dive Darwin via facebook, phone or email
The Boat
You do not require a licence to operate a pleasure craft in the NT. All safety equipment and procedures must comply with the Safety Guide for pleasure craft requirements. Additional equipment (such as oxygen, radio, EPIRB, an international A flag and floating line) are to be carried for diver safety.
To contact the club, you can email
Darwin Sub-Aqua Club or write to:
Darwin Sub Aqua Club
GPO Box 1461
Darwin NT 0801
Grant on 0427600364